Date: 20 December 2019
Lui Chi Hang Hendrick v Independent Police Complaints Council
Reported in: [2019] HKCFI 3120
Successfully obtained leave to challenge the legality of the decisions of Independent Police Complaints Council to proactively conduct a fact-finding study of public order events since June 2019
Date: 18 November 2019
Kwok Wing Hang and Others v. Chief Executive in Council and Another
Reported in: [2019] 5 HKLRD 173
Challenging the constitutionality of the Emergency Regulations Ordinance (Cap 241) and the Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation (Cap 241K).
Read the relevant news article here
Date: 2 September 2019
Chow Ting v Teng Yu Yan Anne
Reported in: [2019] HKCFI 3120
Chow J gave Judgment on 2 September 2019 to allow the Election Petition because the returning officer failed to give Agnes Chow a reasonable opportunity to respond to the materials intended to be relied upon by the Returning Officer for the decision that the nomination is invalid.
Date: 13 December 2018
Leung Chung Hang Sixtus v President of Legislative Council
Reported in: [2019] 1 HKLRD 292
Application for judicial review against the Co-location Arrangement and the creation of the Mainland Port Area at the West Kowloon Station under the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Co-location) Ordinance (Cap. 632).
Date: 16 October 2021
HKSAR v. Chan Ho Wun and Others
Reported in:[2021] HKDC 1324
The 6th Defendant pleaded guilty to charges of holding or organizing an unauthorized assembly and knowingly taking part in an unauthorized assembly on 1 July 2020.
Our Ms. Kristine Chan represented the 6th Defendant for mitigation.
Date: 9 April 2019
HKSAR v. Tai Yiu Ting and Others
Reported in: [2019] HKDC 450
Occupy Central case concerning public nuisance during the 79 days occupy movement in 2014.
Date: 2 April 2019
HKSAR v Yip Po Lam and Ors
Reported in:[2019] HKCFA 13
Case related to a protest at the Legislative Council complex on June 6, 2014. Demonstrators criticised the government’s HK$340 million development plan for the Northeast New Territories, which they said would displace villagers and damage the environment.
Date: 21 December 2018
HKSAR v. Leung Tin Kei and Others
Reported in: [2018] HKCFI 2715
The first riot case judgment in HKSAR concerning Fishball Revolution in Mong Kok in 2016.
Date: 6 February 2018
A Secretary for Justice v. Wong Chi Fung et al.
Reported in:[2018] HKCFA 4
This case arose from the storming of the “Civic Square” by student leaders who later led the “Occupy Central” movement. Successfully reversed the Court of Appeal’s decision to impose custodial sentence on student leaders after the Secretary for Justice sought to review the sentence imposed by the trial magistrate.
Date: 18 November 2013
HKSAR v. Chow Nok Hang
Reported in:[2013] 16 HKCFAR 837
Landmark Court of Final Appeal judgment which quashed public order conviction and lay down landmark judgment on Public Order Ordinance s.17B that is not enough, to make out the offence to engage in disorderly conduct, the element of an imminent breach of the peace (or a risk thereof), provoked or otherwise caused by the person conducting in the disorderly manner, must also be present.
Date: 6 February 2018
Wealth Plan Development Ltd v. Xiu Chuan Ltd and others
Case number:LDCS 21000/2018
Representing the Respondents against an application made for an order for sale regarding an industrial building located in King Lam Street.
Date: 21 September 2016
Able Luck Development Limited and others v. Public Global Investments Limited and others
Case number: LDCS 7000/2014
Representing some of the Respondents against an application made for an order for sale regarding an industrial building located in Kwun Tong.
Date: 20 December 2019
Yeung Lai Ping v Secretary for Justice
Reported in:[2019] HKCFI 881
The Government has been ordered to pay nearly HK$21 million in compensation to a former dental officer. The judgment serves as a timely reminder to the employers that they must take reasonable steps to safeguard their employees from injuries in the course of employment.
Date: 7 February 2013
Chan Pak Ting v Chan Chi Kuen (No.2)
Reported in:[2013] 2 HKLRD
Landmark judgment for personal injury that Mr. Justice Bharwaney ruled in his judgment that Hong Kong shall move away from the conventional personal injury approach for assessing the appropriate multiplier used in the calculation of future losses.