We advise clients on succession, inheritance and intestacy. We also provide services to clients by preparing their wills. In cases where clients’ loved ones have passed away, we provide services to apply for grants of probate and letters of administration, to prepare Deeds of Family Agreements and Assents, and to assist in the administration and distribution of estates.
Areas we do:
- Drafting and preparing a will and Deed of Family Agreements and Assets
- Advising and preparing Trust documents
- Advising on administration and distribution of estate
- Advising on grants of probate and letters of administration
We have experience in lodging and defending contentious probate litigation and trust-related litigation. We act for trustees, executors, personal representatives, beneficiaries and for individuals claiming against estates, trustees or other parties in relation to:
- Validity of Wills
- Interpretation of Wills, Trusts and/or the administration of Estates
- Removal of executors, administrators or trustees
- Claims for reasonable provision under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Ordinance
- Misappropriation of Trust or Estate property
- Proprietary Estoppel, Constructive Trust and Resulting Trust claims
- Claims for restitution of Trust funds
- Asset recovery and tracing claims for trustees, including obtaining freezing injunctions
Please contact our Mr. Jonathan Man, Ms. Bridget Clancey or Ms. Heidi Yu for advice.